Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Simply can't concentrate now. Am at UWA, after hangin out with Micah at the Murdoch Vet Hosp. However, somethin really amazin happened tht I can't focus on my work.

At Murdoch Park'n'Ride, while waitin for the bus to tk me to the City, I ran into this lady. She was pretty lost so I struck up a conversation. She looks at least in the late twenties. She told me she was goin to TAFE (poly equivalent back in Sgp) to do IT next semester and aspires to go to UWA to do Computer Sci. In fact, she was at Murdoch Park'n'Ride as she was tryin to figure how to get to UWA. God works in amazin ways doesn't He? He brought me to Murdoch P'n'R to tk her to UWA.

As the conversation progress, I found out:
(1) She stays alone.
(2) She is very poor.
(3) She has big dreams.
(4) She's Catholic.
(5) She's not goin back home tonight but stay out arnd UWA.
(6) She has no money on her.

But, I did somethin I really regretted. After tkin her to the Reid Lib, I told her I needed to study and left. Guilt really haunted me. I'd orginially intended to pass her some money. But I'd 2 $50 notes and a twenty. I really cldn't afford to pass her $20. So I ran arnd lookin for pple with change and finally got my change. I've been searchin for her in vain arnd the Lib, hopin to pass her $10 so tht she can get somethin to eat or drink. She's nowhere to be found. It's really cold and wet tonight and she's stayin out. It's dangerous hey. She's pretty big (abt a size 30) but still, a lady out so late... It's not safe.

I'm seriously overwhelmed with guilt. I shld have stayed with her. But I'm really thankful to God. There's so much to be grateful. After meetin her, I realized how fortunate I am. It's a constant reminder to me. Since young, I wanted to go out to a 3rd world country to make a difference. My trip to Korat in 2001 reinforced my aspiratns. Today just serves as a reminder. When I'm done with studyin, hopefully, I've a partner who will be willin to go with me to serve God in these countries where pple die each second frm illnesses, diseases and starvatn.

Hope I can find her. Luckily, I've got her mobile number (I asked for it) and rendered assistance to her, shld she need anythin or any help. Meanwhile, all I can do is pray for her safety and protectn frm the cold (seriously, it's wet and cold.. and I'm in a pair of little shorts...Brr)I really want to pass her some money so tht she can buy some hot food frm the Caltex Statn or somethin.

Got to run. Cheers. Tk care guys. *hugs* *muacks*


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