Tuesday, November 28, 2006

yes yes. i am back in singapore. er... woohoo?

nono, i mean, yes i am definitely thankful to everyone who has made the effort to meet up with me and make sure my mind doesn't wander around. thank you so much, i am really really appreciative of it all. special mentions: G, queenin, jiayan, keita and mark. really love you guys so much.

things have been not looking too good since i came back. to begin with, i wasn't even looking forward to coming back. long story behind it which i will go into in a separate post. but even then, to come back to all the aunties gossipping about me behind my back "what happen to her, she got so fat" is seriously getting the shits to me. so what? yes i put on 5kg. so yes, i am fat. should it concern you? i'm not your freaking daughter so don't judge me.

i almost snapped back at one of them "i'm alcoholic so shut up". loads of truth in that statement. i wanted to tell my parents about it, because they have been giving me so much crap for being fat too. but i decided now is not the time, even though they knew i have been drinking. maybe just not anywhere as much as they had imagine.

anyways. i want to keep this post short. i am running a fever and a migrain right now. going to meet isaac, markk's other half, soon, to make my kebaya for norm's wedding. suddenly, i am not even feeling remotely enthu about it either anymore.

maybe i just lost my enthusiam in everything and anything completely.


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