Monday, October 30, 2006

*disclaimer: i shall not be responsible for lil kids reading my blog who take on board any gibberish that appears in the previous post.

in light of such rubbish sprouted, i need to clarify i wasn't drunk and mimi can vouch for that. i have been terribly sick and the combination of ill health, extreme tiredness and alcohol does wonders to my spelling, eloquence (if i had any to begin with) and sanity.

right now i am sitting in the bio sciences library, fully sober (i better be). the mugging onslaught begins today. with 3 major papers next monday, tuesday and wednesday, i am severely lagging behind. i cannot believe how i could have happy ra-ra gone out on saturday night. shame on you, rach!! "i was just miserable the entire weekend - sick and missing J shamlessly" is my lame and pathetic excuse. here is some senseless dialouge for your perusal.

(on the bus on the way to uni)
me texting: i wonder if a particular sleeping beauty is up and about.
him: yes. does that appease your wonderings?
me: indeed.
him: working on the final group assignment and am heading to work soon enough. how you feeling? -in regards to my dodgy health-
me (walking into uni, in the midst of typing): ah, my cough is still really bad. thinking of getting an x ray done.......

*stops dead in my tracks as from the side of my eye i catch someone familiar*
(in my voiceless state)
me *whispering*: you..... i didn't see you till you almost walked past
him (looking up from his nintendo) *whispers back*: what are you doing here?
me: why are you whispering?
him: i lost my voice too.
me: i don't believe you.
him: i lost it at camp.
me: how can you possibly lose it at camp?
him: it's me. all the shouting and screaming... its a me thing. i lost it there.
me *rolls eyes*
him (in his normal voice): okok, i didn't lose it. i'm on the way to work, if you already didn't know. i just feel weird we are talking on different levels.
me: i can't help it you know.
-we bid our farewells-

(15 mins later......)
before he can call me a stalker again, me text: don't keep stalking me.
him: what right does it give you to call me a stalker when i was in uni before you?
me: the fact that you anticipate my every move, knowing where i will be and initiate all these "run-ins", while making it seem it's my doing by using the "i was here first" argument.
him: you knew i was in somewhat in uni and you ran to catch the bus so you can see me while walking in.
me (refusing defeat): a very sick me will not have been able to do that. and for the record, i was already on the bus when you mentioned you were doing group assignment, with no mention of whereabouts. so how the crap do i know? and there i was thinking you were still sleeping...
him (surprised i was fighting): pulling your sympathy vote, i shall let you win.
me: i need no sympathy vote because deep down inside, you know you are the mastermind behind it all.

yes, more nonsensical, trivial gibbberish indeed. unfortunately, everything is NOT as hunky dory as it seems. if only. i wish. i pray.


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