Sunday, November 05, 2006

the end is nigh. for this semester anyway.

property law II exam tmr. how screwed am i? let's just say...... 98.9%. only. banking theory and practice exam on tuesday. another 87%. only. trusts law on thursday? let's not even venture to unchartered territory.

we hardly talk now. i miss you for so many reasons. the full-of-nonsense hang outs, the egotistical, conceited, sarcasm-dripping, head-to-head interllectual verbal engagements we have, the all-day-long text messages that rally back and forth, your physical presence, the security you bring that i get just by standing/sitting next to you and most importantly, the fact you were mine. almost. just almost.

but i lost you to someone else, maybe someone who treats you better, loves you better/more. i don't know. i know i am worthy in God's eyes, but maybe just not worthy of your love or for you. so many questions but some answers, we'll never quite know them will we?

watching you from afar is heart-wrenching. it's being run down by a car, flattened by a container and just when you start walking away, crushed by 2 speedboats. it's like being so close, yet so far. i can almost touch you, but just not quite.

jiayan said something very encouraging to me last night, something along the lines of "if he is able to hurt you as much as he did, someone else will come along and hurt him as much as he did to you. similarly, there will be someone who will love you as much as you loved him". no jiayan, while i totally get what you mean, i don't quite wish for someone to hurt him like he did to me. it's not retribution. but yes, maybe, just only maybe, someone will love me as much as i quite loved him.

this is for you Jem. i am walking away from it all, as said earlier, knowing i'll never find someone quite like you. but as corrinne may penned in her song, fly away- "i love you, too much to make you stay, baby fly awayy."


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