Saturday, August 19, 2006

happened to see your smiling face in one of the photographs that our friend had posted up on friendster. that once familiar heartache shot through my body.

your smiling face....

some people reckon you and me are a hard duo to separate. yes, i have lost contact with everyone of the group whom you and i belong to. every single one of them. but you.... you disappeared and then reappeared in my life.

we act like any other couple in uni, smiling, laughing, having lunch... just looking at each other, enjoying each other's company. we muck around, i leaning on you, you with your hands on my back.... some people say we look more like a 'couple' than other couples in uni. problem is, we're not a couple.

the past between us remains buried over layers of masked happiness. sometimes i look into your eyes searching for answers, and i cannot help but think, how can you act as if nothing as happened? you seem to do a pretty darn good job of hiding the past, while i am struggling to keep it under wraps. i'm just not you. i'm not a clam. each time i meet you, i am so tempted to strangle out from you what you're thinking. what happened then? whats happening now? and where are we going from here?

i've always known you were with her but you've never mentioned it. maybe its because i've never asked.... sometimes ignorance is bliss. ok, maybe it's not complete ignorance because something deep down inside of me tells me i know you're with her. but i just don't need/want that confirmation. it was only 2 days ago.. when you let slip. you let slip that you were with her. man. i really didn't want that confirmation. unknown to my wildest imagination, it hurt me more than i'd ever thought it would. i settled into fitful sleep that night thinking.... how can i go on pretending i could bury the past? i just can't.

jeremy's a good guy. everyone knows that. but don't you see? jeremy's just a distraction. a distraction from what really hurts deep down inside. my motto "like that lor" just doesn't prove as effective as i thought it would.

not seeing you hurts. seeing you brings joy, then stings. bitter sweet. when will this end?

*disclaimer: jeremy's not some guy i'm with. he's just the eye candy everyone knows i am fond of. nothing more.


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