Saturday, April 08, 2006

signs that rach is uber stressed/going crazyy
1. she starts singing wang lee hom's "kiss goodbye" really loudly in the bathroom, oblivious to something called "housemates".
2. she types "undue influence" instead of "unfair" in msn.
3. while watching a hiphop dance video while destressing, she thought the backdrop resembled a courtroom.
4. she finishes 1 250g bar of cadbury hazelnut choc + half a packet of family size kitkats + 1 200g bar of whittakes dark chocolate + 1.5L of pineapple juice.
5. she imagines her pee smells of coffee.
6. she wraps her wet hair in a towel and forgets about it till an hr later and her hair then resembles a mane.
7. even before the equityy exam is over, she is fretting about her constitutional paper.
8. the only thing she has laughed at in the past 3 days was the prostitutes case she read about.
9. she feels like she is going to explode anytime.
10. her current favourite words are "equitable", "unconscionable dealing", "illegitimate pressure" and "undue influence".


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