Monday, October 03, 2005

This post specially goes out to my dearest buddy, someone who has been there through my ups and downs, gone through thick and thin with me, tolerated all my nonsense [and told me off in the process] and most importantly, not abandon me when I needed a friend most: GERALD HO.

And I gives me utmost pleasure to tell everyone he has finally won a championship [though I cannot remember the exact name, sorry. dodgy memory], something which he has been fighting for all these years. I can still remember the times when I was his cheerleader. And you know what G? I've never stopped being your cheerleader. These years that I have been overseas, mentally, I've never really left Singapore. I'm right there by your side when you're bowling, cheerin you on, because I believe in you. I believe in you more than you'll ever know. And you winning this championship has only gone to show what you can really achieve and that I was never wrong in believing in you. I LOVE YOU DEAREST FRIEND! *hugs* I'm so proud of you.

I know we are both on separate paths now, but in mind, we're walking parallel. Side by side. I'll always be here for you in your darkest days or when you need a friend. Thats because no one believed in me 6 years ago but you did. I'll never forget the times when we were little and we went swimming together all the time and played video games at the arcade. Or the times when we use to play badminton or catching outside the arcade area. You may have forgotten, but those are the memories to be kept safe in me forever. Thank you for everything you have done in my life - being such a blessing and joy, being so straightforward and in-your-face, being the light in my darkest days and most importantly, never walking away from me when others did. It may all seem repetitive, but to me, it re-illiterates only what I can hardly put out to words. The rest, are just drowned out in memory.

I miss you.


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