Sunday, October 17, 2004

I am beginning to question the validity of this "Personality Disorder Test" that I took yesterday. Hmmm. Oh well. These few days I have been doin some major slackin. *rolls eyes* I know the exams are fast approaching but I really just can't muster up any motivation. Can you imagine, I haven't read a single law case for more than a month? How BBQed can I get?

.: Yesterday :.
Woke at 1.30 pm because I was up till 5.30am doing a Math assignment. Came online, chatted with Jaks, surfed arnd and did abit of flipping of pages of my Macroeconomics text. Got ready at 4.30 to go dinner with Jaks at Terrazza, a really lovely ambience and prompt service. *beams* Had such a wonderful dinner only to get diarrhoea later. =( We then went to Northbridge to play arcade. No, I'm not a NB homie ok? I DO NOT CLUB nor PARTY. We just wanted to race Intitial D Sega, this car racing machine which is SO cool. Met up with Jaks' friends, Chin, Matt and Aza. I reckon Aza's pretty cute. Got home close to midnight, shagged.

.: Today :.
Missed church today due to bad tummy. Woke up at arnd 11 odd after a fitful sleep, mopped arnd downstairs then did abit work. Crys came back and we hang out downstairs. Came up, napped till 5. I heard hysterics laughter downstairs and knew we had company. Tina was over... And Joy and Crys were there too, so popped by down and chatted abit more. Aussie Idol was on at 6.30 due to this music award show tonight. Took dinner, watched ANTHONY [Woohoo!] and then came back up, showered and am going to hit the books soon. I cannot have a repeat saga of last semester.

I miss Terry, I miss Jaks. Wht is Terry doing? I know Jaks is watchin the Arias. Sigh. Talkin to Crys on MSN now. Everyone thinks its amusing how Crys and I chat on MSN all the time, when she is downstairs, literally! But we are just so lazy to go up/down when we are in our rooms. Joy, get MSN soon! Talkin to you on ICQ is soooooo troublesome! Haha.. Terry, where are you? Hmm. I so need to go Murdoch soon, coz I need to use the books there, must meet up and study eh? Like in Sem 1 when both of us so "gao siao". Haha. I remember... hmm, the good old times. I miss all your corniness and jokes. And I miss seeing you in the fisherman hat or cap everytime you have bedroom hair and cannot be bothered to style it.

I miss the pple back home. Markie boy, Gerald, pJ, wJ, Drew... Gosh, we hardly talk now. I know I haven't called home this whole yr, compared to the previous yr, but you guys keep me goin here. I was seriously the happiest girl in the world when Mark came to visit me and bum. The nights you and Clay came to my place to chill, watch X-Men and stuff. pJ and Gerald, get your butt here!!! Haha. I think I have been ranting as usual. No surprise there. I think my Econs book is beckoning me to show it some loving. Yuck. I need to go grocery shoppin tmr.

Jaks, where are you?? *muacks*


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