Wednesday, January 11, 2006

its been ages since i've last updated. reason being my beloved lappie has been in servicing. its still in servicing right now. gosh, i never thought i could last that long without my darling lappie. anywho. i'm updating on my new laptop as we speak. so some quick updates!!

1. last thursday i went to ntu and saw the cutest guy ever. ok, alittle exaggeration there but he's hot. the rest, cannot make it. xing is so getting his name for me because he disappeared before i cld get to him. damn. i went back to ntu on monday hoping to "strike lottery" again and see him but no such fortune. xing says there's no way i could "zhong ma piao" twice in a row. i was hoping to prove her wrong. his physique is absolutely droolsome.

2. finally got to meet jeff last thursday evening for dinner/coffee with mark. he's every bit adorable in person as he is in real life. he's such a sweetheart - he treats his partner really well. no wonder it left mark and i so envious. hoping to meet him soon before he leaves for hongkong in early february. sigh, yes, he's leaving for HK on a two year contract. why do all the fantastic people i know have to leave me? as long as mark is by my side, i should be ok.

3. been ill for a long while now, to the extent i lost my voice too! even right now as we speak, i'm not fully recovered so i have this really "sexy" hoarse voice. *growl* maybe its the excess eating and sleeping but i have been putting on weight steadily. initially i prided myself for shedding off almost all the 6kg i'd put on in the last semester. i did this all through proper eating and exercising. but the weight seems to be coming back to haunt me. why? i have no idea. i've been good at the gym. though not consistent due to my busted knee and illness. but when i can, i try. *sigh* i hate this.

4. finally started work. working hours are crazy. i start @ 7.30 am! when was the last time i woke up at 5.30 am? like back in scgs days? oh my goodness, that's like ages ago. i really am NOT a morning person. i'm so tired. waking up early and travelling like more than a hour to my workplace. but it's a change of job scope so that's good. nothing much to look forward to at work - all the guys seriously cannot make it. when i said ntu guys are not passable, my workplace guys are worse. you get the drift. ok, i'm not all that pretty so why shld i complain right? true. sighs..... just no motivation mah. hahaha.

5. i wanna get my ring engraved. sounds abit unnecessary or perhaps i shouldn't be the one but the buyer... but thats not the point. thinking i would like to get the date engraved. so perhaps 50 years from now, i can look back in fondness. the ring will always be kept close to my heart. forever. any suggestions for what i should engrave??

6. i bought pretty flats today! i saw sam at work wearing them and i'm like "oh my goodness! they're like the prettiest things!" so immediately after work i went to the shop she purchased it from. i was extremely tempted to get black, the same as sam, since it matches like EVERYTHING but i decided against it. i didn't want more identical shoes so i finally settled on silver. not as pretty but nevertheless pretty. it's more princessy anyways. silver as oppose to black. just a tad bit harder to match. but i should be fine with the silver flats! bro, you so have to see it! its so cute!

7. i so need to buy CNY clothes!! i've bought the shoes already. my pretty bow pumps and silver flats. i bought a pretty golden satin skirt too. oh my goodness, reminds me. i saw like the prettiest dress at zara, which costs a whopping $119! is it gonna bankrupt me or what? it's black with off white stripes running down. its a tube dress with a lil bow under the bust line and it ends past the knees. so so so pretty. anyways, i still need to get a couple more tops and shorts/skirts. i walked suntec with bro yesterday but cldn't find much. need to walk other areas! we're gonna go again right bro?

anyways. thats it for now. soon soon. i promise to update regularly. when my bao bei laptop is back and i successfully transfer my stuff from the old to the new laptop. love loads.


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