Thursday, December 22, 2005

lets say you have a budget for each friend. so you try to stick within that price range when shopping. you have been pacing the malls frantically for the past 2 days. in the eleventh hour, you see this ____. classy, black, very metrosexual. nice. you've decided that not only have you fallen in love with the ____, you friend would too. however, the price is shocking. so shocking you start thinking if you should get it after all. after much debate. you took one thorough look at the gift and asked, is the price reasonable for its quality? yes it is. so you bought it. laying over the counter was traumatising but you got through it.

yes. i went through that. i'm not gonna start thinking if i had regrets because dammit, i got the gift and he better like it! shopping has become traumatising for me. yesterday: i met up with xing for lunch, and then with caro after work. was joined by her bf, danial and friend, sheena. we thronged the shops looking for something for mark and gerald. which reminds me, haha, got to tell you a joke. i was so exasperated from trying to figure out what to get that when i saw this jewellery shop having 50% [think its goldheart or soo kee, one of them], i thought for a moment maybe i shld get mark a diamond stud.

went to enquire if they sold A stud. no, they didn't. so i went to look at the pairs they offered. settled for this really simple cut diamond thingy and asked for the price. $519 after discount. i almost had a fit at the shop. almost. declined the sales guy really nicely and tried to walk out properly. i think the 3 of them, caro, dan and sheena were trying to conceal their utmost shock too. oh well. diamond what. so i scraped the idea completely.

today: went to see the little rascals, esp my fave rascal wei. he's so cute i wanna take him home. also had a good time catching up with my auntie, grandaunt, godmother and grandma. it was schweet. headed to tampines to do some shopping with my mum and godmum. she bought me my christmas present on the spot. felt horrible since she's jobless now. it's a pair of sandal thingy with white base straps and pretty pinkk flowers. and oh my goodness. i've seen the nicest wallet ever [saw it with xing the day before but after looking lovingly at it today, swoon.]. i know i've sworn never to change wallet till my current braun buffel one breaks in a heap but i really don't wish my current love to be spoilt. it's quite worn out now and perhaps a change is good to give it a rest. i've been using it for close to 4 yrs already. once again, the new love is another braun buffel design. very shick. price isn't too bad but i'm thinking hard. after all i don't change wallets that quickly. i look at using it for at least 3,4 years, but i refuse to use them till they totally die on me. sigh don't know about buying it yet. i got to finish up with my christmas shopping first. i'm as bankrupt as it is. but one more present to go!! and the last is also the most deserving one of all!

been feeling lethargic the whole of today. no idea why. i slept upside down on my auntie's massage chair today! don't ask me how i did it but i did and darling wei got so upset with me and started to wake me up by pulling my hair. i'm such a horrible jiejie. but just tired. planning to go for a light workout (remember my dodgy busted knee?), hopefully a short soak in the jacuzzi. if all goes well, i'll be meeting mark for lunch. if not, i'll sort out some misc stuff, drop my things at home and meet an online friend in the late arvo. not sure yet. everything seems sketchy and i'm not a person of uncertainty so hope things firm up and takes some shape along the way.

oh, as an extra, i decolourized my nails today. for those who are like thinking "what the hell is she talking about?", i'd my nails, fingers and toes, painted black satin at the start of the hols. the paint on the fingers started chipping a couple days back so i took it off. the black toes remain. but damn, i feel so odd looking at my fingernails now. i am so use to them being black! maybe i shld paint them black again. maybe......


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