Saturday, July 02, 2005

Woah, it's been more than a month since I have updated! It's not that I have forgotten about this blog, but man, I'm like the queen of lazyness. I am online every single day and I drop by the blog, and yet all I do is say, "Aww, I'll update another day, it's too mah-fan!" So hence, it was left unloved for more than a month. I'm back with vengence now to show it some lovin'.

Been back in Singapore for awhile now, for the winter break. Made a short road-trip to KL with Amy a few days backk. IT WAS AWESOME!! IT WAS SO AWESOME I AM GOING BACK TO KL AT THE END OF THE YEAR.

For the 1st time in my entire life, and I mean all 19years, I have never seen such a F.I.N.E specimen of the chinese male species. Girls, one, two, three, *DROOLS* Not only did I see him, I had the privilege of sitting next to him for 2 meals. He even bought us one of those meals. I couldn't focus on my food, I couldn't swallow properly and I had trouble keeping the drool in. Man. JH is F.I.N.E fine! In addition to those F.I.N.E looks (I know my vocab is now severely handicapped and confined to the word "fine"), he studied in Kings College in the UK and he's a tycoon's son. AND, he's a perfect gentleman, soft-spoken and shy. Now girls, tell me where can we ever find such a guy? The answer is KL! He's there! *sob* He makes all girls weak in the knees, that includes mine. Sigh, I can rattle on forever but I need to stop soon before I spiral out of control! *more drools* *xing holds her hand out to collect the drool*

Exam results are coming on in a few days time. *panick panick panick* Dear GOD, please let me do well. PLEASE! I'm scared crapless!


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