Monday, May 03, 2004

"I do not fear tomorrow coz I know I'm loved today."

This is a pretty special diary entry. So special tht it is actually drafted out at home, for fear of forgettin the stuff I wanna say. (Who's ever heard of pple actually writin their blog at home before transferrin it online?) It's a link-up frm the previous entry and no surprise, coincides with Mother's Day. Just a reminder to all, Mother's Day is comin this wkend.

For those who are unaware, my mother's here with me in Perth (unlike last yr). We didn't have a choice as I'm under 18 and Immigration wldn't approve of my study visa unless my mum became my guardian here. And I think (or know) these 2+mths have been lonely ones for her here, since I am always in sch. It only became more apparent to me when my dad visited last wk (29/04-02/05) because her excitement in anticipation of his arrival was impossible to contain. And if I'm not wrong, tht brief visit by my dad is the happiest days here for her since she arrived here.

It is not difficult to guess tht she (and I) dread the impendin departure of my dad (as I'm writin this, my dad's still here.) I wonder wht the next 1+mth lay in store for her. (Stopped writin to watch "The Last Samurai" with my parents and now as I resume my writin, my dad is at the airport already.) Yes, the departure wasn't nice at all. Anywho. It isn't to easy to leave the comforts of one's own home to go overseas, the only person she knows being her daughter. And it definitely does her no justice tht I'm in sch frm mornin till evenin frm Sundays to Fridays. There are some times tht are inevitable, such as class and work time in sch, but rather than go to my room to use the phone or do work, I need to make more effort to hang out in the living room. Currently, the activity tht binds us and enables us to spend quality time together is American Idol 3, for we share the same passion for singing.

If ya're wonderin if I'm overwhelmed with guilt, perhaps, perhaps not. One can only learn frm the past, to make a difference in the future. Therefore, this Mother's day will consist of alot of writin be me, and readin by her. This diary entry will be presented to her. Probably the only entry she'll ever read.

In addition, special mentions goes to my godmother, my mum's sister. (Guys, if ya're thinkin, no, she isn't the mother of my godbrothers.) She'a always been supportive and lovin and this Mother's day, all her efforts and concern shall be recognized because I've never honoured her on this day ebfore. She didn't need to love me but she did. She may not think so, but she's done a hell good job. Now, as I've 2 godsons of my own, Aaron [turnin 2 in July] and Jaron [2mths old], I view my role seriously and use my own godmother as an exemplary model as mentor and care-giver.

Do somethin special for ya mum this yr guys. There are alot of things I've yet to learn. But one thing tht I do know is tht it is one of the most cruel things for a mother to lose her child.

Special shoutouts to: Mark L., Gerald (who's goin Police *sob*), pJ, Min and XW. Happy belated bdae to Liling, Mary Ann and Chad. Cheers. Love ya guys.

Yours always,


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