Saturday, January 06, 2007

picasa hello has officially declared war with me. i cannot upload any recent photos of my (window) shopping escapades! we have some pretty wicked stuff.

yesterday was pretty fun. met up with ced to watch the queen. not impressive. you did get your daily dose of dry humour but the overall pace of the movie was rather slow.... it felt arduous following the movie. after that, we decided to hone our taitai skills and go label shopping!! it was fun fun fun! hello tod's, coach, gucci, louis vutton, fendi, christian dior, marc jacobs, charlotte atelier... valentino. i heart!! ced and i are such label whores!

we then adjourned to bakerzin @ paragon. the mains weren't too bad. the 'highlight' was our raspberry souffle. we ordered it because i really love raspberries and ced gave in to my cravings (thanks!). it did look pretty appealing when the wait staff 1st presented it to us. however, ced took a dig at it and we instantly caught a whiff of alcohol. now, wait a minute, i don't remember reading about the souffle containing alcohol. nevertheless, ced took a bite of it and went "rach... i think it has alcohol". i ate a mouthful and blardy hell, the alcohol shot straight to my brain. now, most people know me as the princess/taitai/auntie, but no one quite knows the baker in me. everyone appreciates the dash of alcohol in desserts - it enhances the overall flavour of the dessert, injecting a lil bitterness to the sweetness. but damn, this was more like a triple shot. i think they doused the mixture with alcohol man.

i approached the wait boy who confirmed that there was alcohol in the raspberry souffle. however, when i approached the 'team leader' to make a suggestion - that the description of the dessert in the menu should explicit state alcohol as an ingredient - he told us that the description did contain the word alcohol in another form. now, come on, we're not some cheena speaking teetoller who do not consume a drop of alcohol and don't understand simple english. we are practically alcoholics who know our english. there was nothing in the description that indicated alcohol mans! don't try to fool us. (*&^%$#@#$%^&*( and the wait boy gave us the wrong bill. he was pretty horrified when he realised his mistake and the expression on his face was almost quite very priceless. hahaha. ced and i are never returning back to bakerz@paragon. ced and i never fail to have fun together.

rach's bimbo moment @ 7-11 after our bakerz dinner:
ced (looking at mr softie sign with mr softie plastic spoon): it changes colour.
me: oh! does the spoon change colour or the ice cream?
cashier: the spoon lah.
*ced bursts out laughing. crap. so humiliating. how do i know right?? maybe mr softie adopted willy wonka technology.

today was quite fun too, despite the fact that i caught some kinda viral flu and my nose was leaking green goo. met up with xing and caro after weeks and weeks. had awesome fun baking brownies and doing mask. i will so post the pictures once i figure out how to kill piscasa hello and reinstall it. we then headed to vivo for some pampering - foot bath, foot reflexology and express mani! i love the pamperings!!!!

then i met up with the boys, ced, gerald and keita and later on, queenin. more chilling @ starbucks PS. sometimes it can be a lil sian when we run out of things to say but cam whoring never fails to amuse us!!! hahaha.. and the hot choc @ starbucks is awesome! not to mention the green tea with choc chip! simply orgasmic!

i have been quite down for awhile now. but chatting with jem, even if it was for a brief 20 minutes, was good. made me grin like a cheshire cat. my funny boy. it hurts to be so close yet so far. it hurts to know we are like hedgehogs. it hurts to let go. it hurts to put on a facade, smile and pretend you are ok when you're not. but i will gladly go through the pain just for those brief moments of happiness.

GOD, please help me let go.


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